Saturday, July 11, 2009

Some Do's and Don'ts for Recycling

I've just returned from the recycling center, and I have a few requests for those of you participating in the recycling program.

  • Clean the food out of the containers - Leaving old food in cans and plastic containers; jars with food inside and the lid on; beer cans with beer in the bottom; etc. smells really bad and attracts bugs to the building. Not to mention it's nasty for us to handle.

  • Only include plastic that can be recycled - Plastic must have a triangle with a number on it in order to be recycled. (link to previous post) Do not include things like plastic wrappers, cheese wrappers, flavor pouches, milk cartons, old pens, etc. All this is trash, and we have to take it out and throw it away.

      • Do not put steel cans in with the aluminum - Cans for beans, tomato sauce, corn, chili, etc. are made of steel and go in the other bin. Only beer and soda cans, and foil should go in the aluminum bin.

      • Get rid of the lids - Do not put lids back on glass jars and do not include bottle caps from beer bottles

      I took back our aluminum today, and got $3 for our 9 lbs. of recycling. Not much, but it's a start. Krista is treasurer for the recycling fund, and will hold the money until the residents decide how to spend it.

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