Sunday, May 3, 2009

Motor Lofts Owners Meeting
April 29, 2009

Attendees: Bethany B., Brian M., Debbie F., Gary V., Katie L., Krista K., Tony M., Leslie R., Matt R., Chris M.
· Packages
o The consensus seemed split over having Jenni receive all of our packages. Some concerns were: Will she always be there to receive packages? Will we have to change the address for shipment?
o Could the owners help? Matt offered to take packages to his unit because he gets home early.
o Could bicycle storage be converted into package storage?

· Cameras
o Less than half of the owners present were in favor of cameras
o Nobody was in favor of cameras if it increased condo fees
o Nobody wanted to subscribe to a monthly service
o If cameras are needed, Brian suggested a system that recorded to a hard drive. It would be around $3000 + installation. This could also include keycard access to stairway doors and the elevator.
§ Most people wanted access to the other floors in case they wanted to see friends, and were against keycard access to each floor
§ Some did suggest keycards for the basement
§ If we were to try and get cameras, Brian suggested a trivia night or other fundraiser to obtain the money
o If cameras were installed, suggested locations would be: Front entrance, lobby, parking lot entrance, garage door, and in the basement

· Call Box
o Perhaps an email could be sent out asking people not to give out the code for the call box?
o Camera on the call box isn’t working for most people.

· Tenants
o Some owners had concerns with tenants smoking
o Everyone was receptive to a meet & greet with the owners and tenants. The idea of a BBQ was brought up.

· Floors and elevators
o Perhaps someone from Blue Urban could give out rules or supervise new move-ins. This would prevent the floors from getting scratched, and damage occurring to other parts of the building
o Could the curtains in the elevator be taken off until someone needs to move in?
o Could a deodorizer be installed on the elevator because it can be stinky at times?

· Condo fees
o Nobody wanted an increase in condo fees
o There was a request for actual numbers. Condo fees paid vs. expenditures
o Are there “grass roots” ways of improving the building without raising condo fees?
§ Could we have access to the building in the parking lot or the old sales center?
§ Could we set up a recreational area with some chairs, BBQ grill, maybe even a pool in an area? Suggestions included the area by the garage door (between the fence and the building) and the roof of the vacant building
§ Could we put a garden in somewhere?
§ Bethany volunteered to head a committee for these types of activities
o Hardly anybody was in favor for an eventual discretionary fund for future parties, etc. because of the cost and the problem of who gets to decide what to do with the money

· Basement
o Most people agreed that pulling up all the way is the best solution for any future problems that will occur when the basement eventually fills up
o The best way to do this would be to move the parking bumps if necessary
o Nobody wanted a length restriction on cars
o People were, however, in favor of a system that would let people know if their car was sticking out too much, causing a problem. This would include:
§ Having someone put an official note on the car as a warning the first few times
§ After repeated warnings, fining individuals whose car sticks out too much
o There were also a few concerns about people who damage cars when they pull out.

o Storage didn’t seem to be an issue. Most said that they were not in favor of any rules regarding storage in the basement.

o Almost everyone was in favor of a rug in front of the elevators in the basement, and trash cans by the elevator in the basement and lobby

· Dogs
o Most people at the meeting don’t have dogs, but thought the dog station could be a good idea. Bethany volunteered to investigate if the city could install one for free

· Blue Urban keeping us informed
o Most thought that misunderstandings could be avoided if Blue Urban made an effort to keep people up-to-date on building issues. This would involve regular meetings between the Association Director and Blue Urban, and emails or Blog posts sent out by either party.
o Facebook could be used for more informal, private discussions of building issues

· Smoking
o Most thought an ashtray outside would be a good idea
§ This could also keep butts from blowing into DCC’s playground
o Perhaps there should be a designated smoking area or distance away from the building that people would be allowed to smoke

· Committees
o Since there were a lot of creative ideas brought up at the meeting, the idea was brought forth to start up committees for areas of people’s interests
§ Urban Renewal / Garden – Bethany
§ Fundraising – Brian
§ Garage Sale – Bethany
§ Recycling – Chris
§ Parties- I’m sure this will be a popular one, so I won’t put anybody’s name just yet
§ Art in the hallways – This could be a floor-by-floor committee
§ Pets

· Gardens
o Bethany volunteered to get in touch with Gateway Greening and see how we could get involved with the garden across the street
o Bethany also volunteered to plant some flowers in the unused flower box at the front entrance

· Swap meet, garage sale, etc
o This was offered as an idea as a good way to get rid of some junk, or get something from another person who is not using something
o Perhaps we could team up with Packard and GEW on some of these projects
o Someone suggested a bulletin board for these types of news items

· Recycling
o Could some bins be placed in the basement?
o Volunteers to take the recycling back so far are: Wendy, Chris, Krista
o If we get cash for our aluminum, perhaps we could put that into a fund for a party committee

· Social Ideas
o Could the owners have a storage space to put stuff like a large grill and other party supplies?

· Art for the hallways
o Can we hang it on the walls?
o Can we get free art from local artists?
o How can it best be protected?