Saturday, September 19, 2009

loft plant life

Hi all,

I have three mini jade plants I am starting to name Audrey 2,3,& 4.
I am willing to sell clippings for $5 while the soil I have on hand lasts. (about 12)
send me an e-mail or leave me a note (unit 313) and i'll get you started with a new baby.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Trash Chute Etiquette

Some things you should know about the trash chute, in case you were not aware.
  1. Do not put cardboard or large items in the trash chute. This includes pizza boxes. Cardboard is very rigid and clogs up the trash chute causing problems for all of us. Even if you fold up cardboard, it will unfold in the chute and cause problems.

  2. If you have cardboard or other large items, you will need to bring them down the stairs on the west side of the building to either the trash room or the recycling bin on the first floor. If you decide to use the recycling bin, please remove your plastic and Styrofoam and break down your box.

  3. If the trash chute is backed up, do not leave your trash in front of the trash chute, or jammed in the trash chute door. This looks extremely bad, and is unfair and unsanitary for the residents in that part of the building. Please take your trash down to the trash room on the first floor.

Recycling Bin

If you've been on the first level (west) you've probably noticed there's a new industrial recycling bin down there. It's for cardboard only.

This will help both the environment and clean up the hall where recently there have been a lot of cardboard boxes deposited.

Please break down your boxes (flatten), and take out the Styrofoam and plastic inside.

Also, please do not put any trash or non-recyclable material in the bin.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fire Truck Parade on Washington

I heard the sound of a lot of sirens, and it sounded like something big, so I went to check it out. Turns out, it was a parade of fire trucks.